
NREMT-B exams, oh how I will destroy you.

So this is what I have left to complete before I become a brand spanking new NREMT-B:

-mock practical
-real practical exam
-final NREMT written exam

I am so glad to be done. 6 months of class, every Sat., 8-5. Can you imagine the liberty of having my lovely Saturdays back? It will be glorious.

So I'm feeling pretty damn confident about the exams. I've been so immersed in EMS for the past year that I would be ashamed if I screwed up. I've heard that the written can be a bitch because the questions are funky, but I think I'll be fine. I'm a little worried that I'll go into this whole thing overly confident and fall on my ass but my gut is telling me otherwise.

An instructor told me that you're ready for the practicals when you can do all the skills while barely paying attention and complaining about something else. I think I'm at that mindless regurgitation phase:

rollover-I'll-get-someone-on-c-spine-and-consider-ALS...." and so forth.

Anyone who's taken a CNA, NREMT, etc exam knows the drill. It's pretty damn ridiculous.


JS said...

Know your patient assessment, medical and trauma. Remeber to choose the BEST answer, there is not always a right answer. Good luck! Shepp

Epijunky said...

My best advice is to NOT second guess yourself. Don't read too much into the questions.

Read the question, answer the question.

As far as the practicals... Get a really good night's sleep beforehand. I stayed up all night studying and to be honest, it didn't help me a damn bit... It just exhausted me.

Derek Elwell said...

I know some of the questions on the CNA exam were a little 'WTF', nothing like what was studied in class.

If you're like me you'll have a dream the previous night that you missed the test completely. That's if you can sleep at all. Good luck!

Justin said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
Blood goes round and round
Air goes in and out
If anything is different from that, fix it ;)

Good luck! you'll do fine!

Anonymous said...

The NREMT exam isn't dificult... just think about thew questions.

As for the practical - it is stuff that you should have practiced so many times it has become muscle memory.
