
EMT class

Tomorrow morning I start my EMT-B class. I'm a bit anxious - not because of the material (learned all of it in my SAR team's E-care class - except airways) but because of the whole circus sideshow type thing and clinicals. I'm only 17, and I stick out like a sore thumb in college courses.

Last semester I took anatomy and phys at night and I was one of two childless people in the class. At least 5 of my peers had children my age or older. So not only are there awkward stares and "How OLD are you?!" comments the first couple of days of class, but I usually end up somewhat alienated. I simply can't contribute to those bonding conversations about taxes, raising teenagers, lazy husbands, and shitty 9 to 5 jobs.

I'm also anxious about the clinicals and ambulance ride-a-longs, which start in March. The age thing plays a factor in that too, of course. Will the nurses and paramedics be more reluctant to let me play? Will the patients freak out?

It's hard to gain respect as a healthcare provider when you haven't even graduated high school.

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